Wednesday 26 September 2012

long live SEO-SEO is not dead

Apple iPad
In response to a recent article suggesting that the long-term future of SEO is doubtful, a more positive take on the ongoing evolution of the search industry
Is mobile a game-changer for search? Photograph:
Search engines, in the most simple of explanations, query databases with the purpose of finding the best match to that query. It is a mathematical relationship that goes: if search query equals A then return B. The mistake many make is that they think search engine optimisation is a practice limited to websites and search portals such as Google. It isn't. Search engine optimisation involves convincing a search engine that a particular database entry should appear as B.
Matt Owen talks about how the latest Google products (Google Glasses and Google Now) and mobile devices will deliver the "killer blow to SEO". I find this to be short-sighted and disagree with the premise that services such as Google Now are "not search in any way, shape or form".
At the moment search is a three way interaction. A "searcher" enters their query into a search engine; the search engine consults a database and returns the best match. Products such as Google Now will not change the interaction between search engine and database, they will simply remove the need for the searcher to be involved in this transaction.
Google Now is a service designed to make suggestions and provide you with information before you ask for it. It will do this by profiling the user. Mobile devices already transmit and record huge swathes of data about you and as mobile use expands so too will the information about you that is held upon these databases. For Google Now to provide you with information you want, it will need to consult these databases, build a profile of you and provide the best match to your profile.
More importantly and as I mentioned earlier, search is not a process that limits itself to the website/search portal relationship. Mobile use has reduced, and may well continue to reduce, the number of interactions between the portal and the user, but services such as Foursquare and business directories rely on search to provide the user with the best match to their query. Where there is an option to search there is opportunity to be found, but you need to make sure you are optimised to be seen. The old technique of changing your business name to, for example, AAA Taxis in order to top the Yellow Pages listings is a perfect example of search optimisation in action.

Google doesn't control me

Putting aside the fact search is not limited to Google and its many portals, there is another consideration to be taken into account. I have free will. I may not want to do it the Google or Bing way. The need for my interaction might diminish or be removed, but it does not mean that I will stop interacting or indeed stop searching.
I don't disagree with all that Matt said in his article; I simply disagree with the idea that changing technologies and habits will spell the end for the search optimisation industry.
What would happen to competitiveness and variation if optimisation and choice were removed? Will life become one of stagnation and indifference, as Google continually serves up the same information over and over, day after day? What space is there for competition if Google creates a situation where you never have opportunity to try and find something new? For that matter, what future is there for Google if they, a search engine, stop providing variation and choice?
The SEO industry will not die. Not while there are a) digital landscapes b) options and c) people to use and search for them. Of course there will be change, but then every industry changes. What remains is that there will always be a need for search; and if it can be searched, it can be optimised.

Tuesday 25 September 2012


I'm sure a lot of you have seen those great eBay stores, with custom designs, and thought, how the hell did they do that? I bet you've done a search for it, and onl found a bunch of sites of people trying to get hundreds of £££ from you in return for a design. Are you one of those people who can design a store, but don't know how to do the code? Well this guide is for you! I am going to supply you with step by step information on how to create your very own custom store design.


Firstly, you will need an eBay store active, in which you have full access to. You will also need some kind of server where you can host a .CSS file in which ebay can load for the colours. If you do not have webspace, please feel free to email me at or send me a message on ebay, and I will supply you with some free webspace to host your .CSS file and images if you so wish.

Now lets start with Setting up your eBay store from the start. If you have already done this, please scroll down to our custom design section and read on from there to begin your custom designing.

Firstly, check out  for some ideas on how to create a nice looking store.

(Copy and paste the link into your browser in a new tab or window)

Now, once your eBay store is all set up, with the "Quick Store Setup" option, we will begin to Manage our store. You can do this by logging into your ebay summary, scrolling down and clicking "Manage my Store" on the left navigation bar.

Now you will find yourself on the page in which you will edit your store, and add features. The first thing you will want to do is add some categories to your store. You are allowed to create up to 300 different store categories for your new eBay store, so don't worry about making too many. You can add as many categories and sub categories as you want. You can create categories by clicking "Store Caegories" on the left navigation.

You can now click the Add Category button and create your category, giving it an appropriate name. You can create 5 categories at a time.
Once you have made your 5 categories, you can add more or click a particular category link to access that category and create sub-categories inside it. This is used on my own store.

Example: Servants of the Betrayer
                      Loot Cards
                      Epic Cards
                      Rare Cards
                      Uncommon Cards
                Hunt for Illidan
                       Loot Cards
                       Epic Cards
                       etc etc.

Once you have created all your categories, you can move onto the next step. Don't worry if you can't think of a particular one. You can always come back later and add/remove categories.


You are now going to want to edit your Display Settings.

The Display Settings allow you to Add a title to your Store, view your Store URL, or change it, make changes to your Store Logo, and Add/Edit your Store Description.

Store Name: Give your Store a good name which includes what you sell. Such As World of Warcraft TCG - loot cards, spectral tiger etc.
Store Logo: Choose a logo from your PC, enter a URL, or choose a basic eBay one for your store. Size must be 310x90 pixels.
Store Description: Don't put something like "Welcome to our store, enjoy your visit". Be abrupt, explain what you sell and use keywords for what items you sell as this will help with your Search Engine Placement on sites like Google, Yahoo and loads more. This could bring you potential customers to all of your items on a huge scale if the right keywords are mentioned.


The Theme and Display section allows you to edit your store theme, edit Left Navigation Bar settings, and make changes to the Store Header Display. It also allows you to change the way items are listed on your storefront.

Store Theme: Choose a theme from eBay. If you are planning on customising a theme for later, and creating a custom theme, this section doesn't really matter. Just choose something that looks nice, and matches the colours of your items in some way.
Left Nav Bar Settings: Choose to show your Search Box, Choose which categories to show, and Choose to show Store Pages and Buyer Display options.
Store Header Display: Turn the Store Page Header on. (Turn this off if you are going to create a custom store. We will be making our own), and choose which type of eBay header displays. You can only change this with a premium store.
Item Display: Choose whether to show your items on your store as a list, or in a Gallery View. I recommend gallery view, as it looks like an online store, and looks nicer.


Promotion Boxes allow you to place small pieces of information on your store in different places. These could include a small piece of information about items on Sale, or a great postage offer you currently have going. You can also use Promotion Boxes to create slideshows of items which you are currently selling, and create Countdown Timers for items which are ending soonest. The Options are all pretty self explanatory.


When you create your store, you will end up with a nice looking storefront, with nice colours. But then when you see other peoples shops, and they have created a fully self designed store, with header display, flash and loads more, you really wish you could do it. There are thousands of you out there who can design the store you want, but don't know how to embed it into ebay. Well this is how you do it my friends.

Now all sections will assume you have HTML code ready, including images, your design, and a .CSS FILE. If you do not have a CSS file, please scroll down to that section and read about that, because it is required to create a decent storefront.

Now, we will start with the Header.

Once you have your Header image uploaded to your file server, or a site such as Photobucket, Imageshack, or Tinypic, and have your HTML code ready, go to Manage My Store > Display Settings > Theme and Display > Store Header Display. Click the "Change" link.

Click "Yes, include additional information in the header" Radio button, and then enter your HTML code. Save the changes.

Now you will notice that you have 2 Headers Displaying. Your custom header, and the normal ebay header. You need to disable the normal ebay header so that only your custom one is displayed. This can be done by following these steps:

    * Go to Display Settings
    * Go to Theme and Display
    * Go to Store Theme
    * Click "Change to another theme"
    * Go to Easily Customizable themes, and select the "Custom Header only" theme.
    * Choose your colours.
    * Save settings.

This header will now appear on all store pages, including your About Me Page.


We are now going to edit the Body area. This will allow you to create your main storefront, fully customized and designed.
Follow these steps carefully.

    * Click "Custom Pages" on the Left Navigation
    * Click "Create New Page"
    * On the next page, select "Text Section"
    * Name the page. (Same as Shop Title recommended, as this will become your main page)
    * You will now need to enter your HTML for the page. Remember, this guide assumes you already have the designs and code ready.

Now at this point, im sure a few people are having some problems. So here are some tips and information to help you out.

You will need to add your designs carefully. I am using CSS for my store, and therefore I will guide you in that way.


You will want to add your search bar to your custom page, so people can search your items. This can be done by entering the following code in your custom page, and editing the text which is Bold to your own store information. Also remove the space between the opening and closing signs. (Its to prevent the code executing in this guide and displaying a search bar).

Next up, you will want to make the page load the CSS from an external file. This is because eBay does not allow you to host a CSS file, and it needs to be loaded elsewhere. This can be done with the following code.

Not sure what CSS File to add, or what to include in your CSS file? Well check out the following link, as it may prove useful. Copy and paste the link into a new Tab or Window.

You will now want to add other pieces of code, which allows certain things to be displayed. Here are some useful exclusive ebay codes.

This Displays your User ID, feedback, and links to your Me page.

Displays your Feedback

{eBayStoresItemList DISPLAY="n"}
Display your items. Replace N with 0 for List view, and 1 for Gallery View.

{eBayStoresItemList TABLEWIDTH="n"}
replace N with a value 10-100 to choose your store width. Recommended 60-100.


Next up is the Navigation Bar. This is done by creating a Promotion Box, and then removing the original Sidebar.

Follow these steps to create your navigation bar:

    * Go to "Promotion Boxes"
    * Click "Create New Promotion Box"
    * Choose Communicate to your Buyers.
    * On the next page, choose "Left Navigation - Upper"
    * Enter your code, making sure to align the navigation bar correctly with your header and body areas.
    * Make sure you do Text Links instead of images, so that Search Engines have more keywords to play with.
    * Click Save.

Now, you will want to delete the other default navigation, to stop both navigation bars displaying on your store. This can be done by following these steps:

    * Go to Store Design
    * Go to Display Settings
    * Go to Theme and Display
    * Click Left Navigation Boxes
    * Click the "Change" link.
    * Uncheck all the components, and save.

You can now create additional pages, such as an FAQ following these steps, and choosing FAQ instead of Text area.

Remember, to make your new custom page your Storefront main page, go to Custom Pages, and on the drop down menu, select which one you want to display as your Homepage.

For eBay online store Contact Extremebrain

Thursday 20 September 2012

First Time Android User Should Know This Things

Choosing a new device like a new phone or tablet should be fun. But there are so many choices out there, and it can be hard to know where to start. If you’re thinking about an Android device, or if you’ve just bought one and want to get the most out of it, we have some basic tips to get you started.
1. What is Android?
Android is an operating system, like Windows for computers or iOS for iPhones and iPads
2. Who makes Android?
Google makes Android, and a lot of manufacturers such as Samsung, HTC and Motorola put it on their phones, tablets and now even cameras.
3. Why does everyone keep talking about desserts?
As well as regular version numbers, every time Google makes a significant update to Android, it names the update after a dessert. The desserts run alphabetically, so you can keep track of different Android versions. In the past few years, devices have upgraded from Eclair, to Froyo, to Gingerbread, to Honeycomb, to Ice Cream Sandwich. The latest devices to be released are currently running Jelly Bean.
4. Does Android have apps?
Yes. Android has a huge app market called Google Play, where you can download books, music and movies as well as apps, all from one place. Amazon also has its own app store for Android phones, giving you even more choice.
5. Can I use Twitter and Facebook on Android phones?
Yes. Pretty much every phone released nowadays is a smartphone with Internet capabilities. Whether you choose a BlackBerry, an iPhone, a Windows phone or a phone running Android, you’ll be able to use Facebook and Twitter.
6. How do I download apps to my Android device?
You can install new apps on your Android device in two ways. First, you can use the Google Play app that you’ll find on your device when you power it up the first time. No need to be connected to a computer; Android devices can install apps all by themselves. Second, you can use the Google Play website on your computer. If you log in with the Google Account you used on your Android device, Google Play will give you the option to install straight to your device. This can be handy when you want a big screen to browse through lots of apps.
7. Wait, I don’t have to tether my phone to my computer to install new apps?
Nope! You can do it via cellular data or Wi-Fi directly to your phone or tablet. No cables.
8. Okay, I understand apps now, but what if I want to put some pictures or a movie on my phone?
There are a couple of super-simple ways to move your personal files on and off an Android device. First, you can use a Dropbox account plus the Dropbox app. Upload everything to Dropbox via your computer, log into Dropbox on your phone or tablet, and they’ll all be there waiting for you. Even easier, connect your phone to your computer and treat it like a fancy USB stick — just drag and drop the files, and Android will know how to organize them.
9. I have lots of music in iTunes. Can I listen to it on my Android phone?
Yes. There’s a piece of software called doubleTwist that works just like iTunes, letting you install your iTunes music collection on your Android phone or tablet. If you store your music collection outside of iTunes, then the drag-and-drop method of file transfer should work just fine.
10. There’s a game called Angry Birds that I keep hearing about. Can I play it on Android?
Yes. It’s one of the top free games on Android. Download Angry Birds from Google Play.
11. My friend has an Android phone from Samsung, and my Android phone is from HTC. Why does Android look a bit different on our phones?
Google makes the Android software and then lets hardware manufacturers such as HTC and Samsung install it on their phones and tablets. Device manufacturers usually add their own design tweaks to the standard Android operating system. These design tweaks are known as skins, and manufacturers use them to help Android devices stand out from the competition.
12. What if I just want pure Android without a skin?
If you want the pure Android experience straight from Google, then you should choose a device with “Nexus” in the title, such as the Nexus 7 tablet or the Galaxy Nexus phone. These devices always get updated to the latest version of Android first, too, because they don’t use any extra tweaks from the hardware manufacturers that might hold up the upgrade process.
13. What’s the difference between home screens and the app drawer?
The app drawer is where you can find all of the apps installed on your device. On Apple devices, all of your apps are live on your home screens. But Android devices have (up to) seven home screens that you can fill with your favorite apps and widgets for quick access — any apps you don’t choose to keep on your home screen will still be in your app drawer.
14. Widgets? What are widgets?
Widgets are one of our favorite features of Android. Super useful at both displaying information and saving power, they are a little like snapshots of apps that live on your home screens. Widgets come in all different sizes. They can display simple things like how much data you’ve used this month or show more complex things like your Facebook news feed. Because they’re designed for basic interactions like posting updates to Facebook or Twitter, widgets can help you save battery power because you don’t need to open up the full app every time you want to make a simple update or reply to comments.
15. Do I need a Google account to use Android?
Yes. Just like you need an Apple ID to use an iDevice, you need a Google account to use Android. You don’t have to use any of the specific Google services like Gmail on a daily basis if you don’t want to, and Google lets you add other email accounts to your Android phone or tablet. But if you really don’t want a Google account, Android might not be right for you. Google’s software and cloud services are really slickly integrated into the Android experience, and you’ll miss out on some of the best features of Android if you don’t want to use them.
16. What’s the easiest way to move all my contacts onto my phone?
You can enter them as contacts into Gmail, and they’ll be automatically synced to your phone, or you can transfer saved numbers off your SIM card.
17. How do I save battery power on my Android device?
We’ve got some battery-saving tips right here for you.
18. Are there any good Android productivity apps?
Yes, loads! Here are some of our favorite Android productivity apps.
19. Which Android games do you recommend?
We’ve got a list of cool (and free) Android games.
20. How do I keep my Android phone secure?
Android has plenty of security features. We make understanding Android security features simple.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Your iPhone 4 Is Worth Check Here

Want an iPhone 5 but still locked into your iPhone 4 contract? Consider trading in your phone!
Apple released the iPhone 4 in June of 2010 on AT&T and in other parts of the world, but the phone didn’t make its way to Verizon until February 2011. As a result, there are lots of eager iPhone owners in the U.S. who are still stuck in a two-year contract.
While some Verizon iPhone 4 owners might already be eligible for full upgrades, others will have to wait — maybe as much as six months. The same is true for any AT&T buyers who got the phone in 2011.
Fortunately, as we noted yesterday buyback services are still paying good money for old phones. We focused our previous article on the value of the iPhone 4S, but it turns out, the iPhone 4 still has some value in it too.
We looked at the price of a 16GB iPhone 4 from AT&T and Verizon at NextWorth,, eBay’s Instant Sale, Amazon’s Trade-In program and Apple Recycling.
We selected the best condition for each buyback place, with the exception of Amazon, where we selected “Good.”
Here’s what we found:
eBay Instant Sale NextWorth Amazon Trade-in Apple Recycling
16GB AT&T $200 $168 $170 $195.50 $140
16GB Verizon $190 $131 $126 $195.50 $140
8GB AT&T $190 $125 $140 $195 $50
8GB Verizon $170 $106 $121 $200 $50
As you can see, AT&T phones are worth more money on average. We imagine that this is because these can be unlocked and sold worldwide.
As before, eBay Instant Sale is the best option — at the time of this writing — to sell your phone for cash. Amazon’s Trade-in program offers the most money, but you have to get an Amazon gift card.
What surprised us the most was how much the 8GB iPhone 4 is worth. Considering the phone was sold for just $99, getting nearly twice as much at some buyback places is impressive.
For those with 32GB devices, you can get additional money for your unit, but in the interest of space, we just focused on 16 and 8GB models.
Are you interested in selling your iPhone 4 to offset the price of your iPhone 5 upgrade? Let us know in the comments.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

oDesk Search Engine Optimization Test Answer by Sagar Ganatra

Which of the following search engines or directories provides the directory search results for Yahoo?
a.Windows Live
b.Yahoo Directory
Ans:  B
Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?
a.If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you only allow the indexing of the better versionb. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s. Examples of inconsistent linking could be and and
c.Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate
d.Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content by Google

What is Keyword Density? 
a.The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on page - (MINUS)the total words in HTML on the page
b.The number of times the keyword is used X (MULTIPLIED BY) the total word count on page
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e.The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on the page
Ans: D

Which of the following statements about the Google Sitemap are correct: 
a.Repeated submission of the Sitemap to Google could be penalized
b.It is possible to create and submit specialized Sitemaps to Google for Video and Mobile content
c.The Sitemap acceptable to Google follows an XML format
Ans: A

 Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google's search results? 
Ans: B

What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to? 
a.It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best return on investment
b.It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword density
c.It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are given priority by the search engines
d.It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by the search engines
Ans: C

Which of the following factors does Google take into account while assessing whether or not a website is an authority website? 
a.The frequency with which the content of the website is updated
b.The number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)
d.None of the above
Ans: A,B,C

What is Anchor Text?
a.It is the main body of text on a particular web page
b.It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page
c.It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page
d.It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page
Ans: C

If you search for the term "iq test" in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will it return the number of independent searches for the term "iq"?

What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called? 
Ans: D

Do search engines such as Google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the Class C IP address of the page where the link to the website originates? 
Ans: A

What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions in search engine results in between major updates? 
Ans: B

While grading your website, Google gives credit to outbound links pointing to authority websites? 
Ans: B

Which of the following URLs can the Google search engine spider? 
e.All of the above

Google displays up to _____ characters of a webpage's Title Tag. 
Ans: E

What does the 302 server response code signify? 
a.It signifies conflict, too many people wanted the same file at the same time
b.The page has been permanently removed
c.The method you are using to access the file is not allowed
d.The page has temporarily moved
e.What you requested is just too big to process
Ans: D

Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description meta tag? 
a.It should be about 50 characters in length
b.The description should not contain the keywords
c.If the meta description is not included, the search engines will use the meta keywords for information
d.Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages
Ans: D

State whether true or false. The Yahoo Directory listing is a free service for commercial sites.
Ans: A

Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the images within a webpage? 
a.Images cannot be spidered by the search engines
b.Important keywords related to the image should be placed in the ALT text
c.Images should always be kept close to the top of a webpage
d.Image maps should be used while including the images
Ans: B 

Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve? 
a.Increasing the keyword density on the web pages
b.Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines
c.Hiding the keywords within the webpage
d.Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors
Ans: B

Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct? 
a.Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor traffic
b.Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomes
c.Alexa is biased towards US based traffic
d.Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quantcast toolbar

Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links, what action/s does Google recommend to avoid being penalized? 
a.The text of the paid links should state the words "paid text link" for Google to identify it as a paid link
b.Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be accepted
c.Paid links should be disclosed through the "rel=nofollow" attribute  in the hyperlink
d.Paid links should be disclosed through the "index=nofollow" attribute  in the hyperlink
Ans: C

Which of the following actions could get you banned by Google? 
a.Hiding text on the webpage
b.Stuffing keywords on the webpage
c.Linking to sites banned by Google
d.None of the above
Ans:  A

Which of the following statements about Google's technical and quality guidelines is true? 
a. It is advantageous if your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP heade
b. If using dynamic pages, it helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few
c. Avoid using robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages, even if they don't add much value for users coming from search engines
d. Submitting new pages of your website at as soon as they are online, helps to speed up indexing
Ans: B

Which of the following is an ethical SEO Technique? 
a.Creating a subdomain with the hottest keyword and creating duplicate copies of existing pages on it
b.Filling your pages with keywords, whether relevant to the page content or not
c.Creating a page which serves a different content to the search engine bots and different to human users
d.None of the above
Ans: D

All major search engines are case sensitive. 
Ans: B

While optimizing your website it is important to generate the right type of traffic, how does the Bounce Rate information help in this regard? 
a.By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then went on to visit additional pages
b.By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then left without viewing any other page
c.By letting you know the percentage of users who decided to go back to the source from where they found your website
d.By letting you know the percentage of users who left your website within 10 seconds of viewing the first page
Ans: B

Which of the following factors contribute towards link popularity of a website? 
a.The number of websites that link to it
b.The number of pages of the website indexed by Google
c.The number of pages in the website
d.The quality of websites that link to it
Ans: A,B,C,D

Search engines do not index some common words (such as "or", "and", "when", and "in") within the webpage. What are these common words called? 
a.Barrier words
b.Non-indexable words
c.Slow words
d.Stop words
Ans: D

Which of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per their quality guidelines? 
a.Using automated website submission software
b.Loading pages with irrelevant links
c.Intentionally adding keywords to the TITLE tags and ALT attributes
d.Registering misspellings of well-known websites
Ans: B,C

Which of the following statements about RSS are correct? 
a.It is a form of XML
b.tstands for Realtime streamlined syndication
c.It is a good way of displaying static information
d.It is a Microsoft technology
Ans: A

_________ is usually the best web page to get linked to while receiving a themed in-bound link from another website. 
a.The sitemap
b.The contact page
c.The home page
d.The page which you would like to improve in the search engine rankings
Ans: D

Which of the following can be termed as good keyword selection and placement strategies? 
a.Targeting synonyms of the main keyword
b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d.ofive or more keywords per page
ANS: A, D 

 If your site is not appearing in Google search results because of some unethical SEO practices in the recent past, _________________? 
a.abandon and close your website permanently.
b.modify the page contents, make them useful and relevant to the human users, and request Google to reconsider your site.
c.start a PPC campaign to get your site included in the sponsored results. is better to discontinue the website and shift your webpages to a fresh website with a new domain name.
Ans:  D

Which of the following statements about search engine optimization techniques are correct:
a.Making a keyword bold does not influence the way that the search engine looks at the keyword
b.Websites with deep linking are looked at favorably by search engines engine robots follow the first link they find to any particular page and they do not follow additional links to the same page
d.It is not a good idea to have the same anchor text for all inbound links as it could look automated to the search engines
Ans: A, B, D

A Hallway Page is used to:
a.Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Page
b.Organize the Doorway Pages
c.Help people navigate to different Doorway Pages
d.Enable search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages
Ans: D

Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identify which city in the world has the largest search for the keyword - "six sigma"?
aYahoo Search Term Suggestion Tool
c.Google Traffic Estimatord.Google Trends
Ans: D

How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?
a.Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website, hence ensuring quicke rplacement
b.Ggives credit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looks for the keyword or title "Site Map" on the home page of a website.
c.Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website
d.None of the above
Ans: C

State whether the following statement is true or false. A Sitemap provides a list of internal links to user accessible pages on a website.
Ans: A

What is the function of "indexer" part of the Google search engine?
a.It helps to retrieve web pages from the world wide web
b.It helps to gather information from other search engines
c.It helps to sort the documents that Google has retrieved
d.It helps to generate meaningful results based upon the user's search term
Ans:  D

Which of the following conditions will Google treat favorably from the 'Relevancy' perspective?
a.The website offering products and services to the visitors country
b.A website that provides free content for the related keywords
c.Hidden keywords on the home page matching the search term
d.Image Alt tags on the home page matching the search term
Ans: D

Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to Yahoo. What is performed by the link: operator?
a.It shows all the outbound links from the URL
b.It shows how many pages of the site Yahoo is pointing to
c.It shows all the pages that point to that URL
d.It shows URLs with broken links

Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google PageRank?
a.The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site
b.The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site
c.The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site
d.The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a web site

What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability/validity?
a.Red hat techniques
b.Silver hat techniques
c.Grey hat techniquesd.Shady hat techniques
 Why is it a bad idea from the seo perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?
a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic
b.Because you could get penalized by search engines for using duplicate content
c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d.Because people could turn up claiming copy right infringement

The following robots meta tag directs the search engine bots:  
a.Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the page
b.Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the page
c.To index the page and not to follow the links in the page
d.Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page

_________________ use both crawlers and directories to generate relevant results?
a.Crawler-based Search Engines
b.Human-Powered Directories
c.Hybrid Search Engines
d.Meta Search Engines

Which of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?
a.They are two way links (reciprocal links)
b.They are from authority websites
c.They are voluntary in nature
d.They are from .edu or .gov extension websites

What will happen if you type the words 'Certification -Networking' in the Google search box?
a.Google will find the web pages about Certification and also containing the word "Networking"
b.Google will find all the web pages containing the words "Certification" and "Networking"
c.Google will find all the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together
d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

If you enter 'Help' in the Google search box, what will Google search for?
a.It will open up the Google help pages applicable to
b.It will find pages about help within
c.It will only find page titles about help within
d.It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of

Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?
a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b.They are also called link farms
c.They are paid listings
d.They contain numerous inbound links

What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word 'actor' will also show search results for related words such as actress, acting or act?
c.RSD (real time synonym detection)

If a website's search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what does it mean?
a.20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engine
b.Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine
c.20% of the websites pages will never be indexed
d.The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most important search terms

What is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimizing a webpage towards a long tail keyword search?
a.There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queries
b.Search engines often pass on long tail searches to lesser known and new websites
c.Search engines do not pass on long tail search traffic to websites that rank high for shorter keyword searches
d.There are fewer websites that have targeted such keywords
1.  Which blach hat Seo Techique is characterized by a method to deceive search engines,  by detecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTML actually served to users?
ans: Cloaking
2. Which is the function of indexer part of the Google search Engine?
ans. It helps to retrieve web pages from the world wide wed
3. Google display up to _______ characters of a webpages Title Tag.

4. which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement  strategies?
ans:a. targeting synonyms of the main keyword
d. Optimizing five or more keywords per page
5. What will happen if you type the words Certification-Networking in the google search  box?
ans: google will find all the web pages in which the words certerfication and networking  appear together
6. which search engine technology prevents a website from appearing in numerous top  positions in the search engine result pages
7. if a websites search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is  20%. what does it mean?
ans:only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine
8. Which of the following statements about google techinical and quality guidlines is  true.
ans:Avoid using robot.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto- generated pages, even if they dont add much value for users coming from the search  engines.
9. Impleminting a 301 permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the new pages  is a good idea from the SEO perspective.
True or False?
10. what is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word  ‘actor’ will also show search results for related words such as actress, acting or  act?
ans:RSD ( real time synonym detection )
11. Are Rss/Atom feeds returned in Google search results?
12. All major search engines are case sensitive
13. Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve
ans:Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines
14. which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description meta tag?
ans:Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages.
15. which of the following statements about the search engine optimization techniques are  correct.
ans:websites with deep linking are looked at the favorably by search engines
16.Which of the following factors have an impact on the google pagerank
ans: the subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site
17. what is the most likely time period required for getting a google page rank
ans:More Than 3 monts.
18. Which of the following is an ethical SEO Techique?
ans:Non of the above.
19. What is Anchor text
ans:it is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page
20. Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells a  links, what actions does Google recommend to avoid being penalized
ans:Paid links should be disclosed through index-nofollow attribute in the hyperlink
21. if you search for the term “iq test” in the word tracker keyword suggestion tool, will  it return the number of independent searches for the term “iq”
Yes or no?
ans: no
22. if you enter “help site:‘ in the google search box, what will  google search for
ans:it will find pages about help with-in
23. which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended by Google
ans:Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link
24. Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?
ans:If you have two versions of a document on your website, google recommends that you  only allow the indexing of the better version
25. which of the following statements about the RSS are correct.
ans:it is a form of XML
26. what is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimizing a webpages towards a long  tail keyword search
ans:there are fewer websites that have targeted such keywords.
27. how are the site maps important for the search engine optimization process
ans:ste maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website..
28. which of the following actions could get you banned by Google
ans:non of the above.
29. Do search engines such as google detect innatural linking patterns by checking the  Class C ip address of the page where the link to the websites originates? Yes or no?
30. what is the term for optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of  reputability/validity
ans:Silver hat techiques
31. What does the term keyword prominence refer to?
ans:it refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are  given priority by the search engines.
1. Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is perfermed by the link:Operator?
a. it shows all the outbound links from the url
b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c. It shows all the pages that point to that url (ans)
d. It show url’s with broken links
2. Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and “feeding” it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?
d.Cloaking (ans)

3. Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?
a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic
b.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)
c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement
4. What will happen if you type the word ‘Certification-Networking’ in the google search box?
a.Google will find the web pages about “certification” and also containing the word “networking”
b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word “Certification” and “Networking”
c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words “Certification” and “Networking” appear together. (ans)
d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking
5. Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated
b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website’s theme (or keywords) (ans)
d. None of the above
6. What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page – (minus) the total words in HTML on the page
b.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page. (ans)
7. Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?
a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b.They are also called Link Farms (ans)
c.They are Paid Listings
d*They contain numerous inbound links
8. What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jacking
b.Visitors Jacking
c.View Jacking
d* Page Jacking (ans)

9. What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?
a.1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d.* More than 3 months (ans)

10. Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement strategies?
a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & D
b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page (check) (ans)*
Question: 1
If a website's search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what does it mean?
a. 20% of the WebPages of the website have been indexed by the search engine ***Ans
b. Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine ***Ans.
c. 20% of the websites pages will never be indexed
d. The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most
Important search terms

Question: 2
Which of the following can be termed as good keyword selection and placement strategies?
a. Targeting synonyms of the main keyword*****Ans.
b. Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c. Copying competitor keywords
d. Optimizing five or more keywords per page*****Ans.

Question: 3
What does the 302 server response code signify?
a. It signifies conflict; too many people wanted the same file at the same time
b. The page has been permanently removed
c. The method you are using to access the file is not allowed
d. The page has temporarily removed*****Ans.
e. What you requested is just too big to process

Question : 4
What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?
a. Traffic Jacking
b. Visitor Jacking
c. View Jacking
d. Page Jacking*****Ans.

Question : 5
Which of the following factors does Google take into account while assessing whether or not a website is an authority website?
a. The frequency with which the content of the website is updated
b. The number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c. The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords) *****Ans.
d. None of the above (Maybe a,b,c Ans.)

Question: 6
State whether the following statement is true or false.
A Sitemap provides a list of internal links to user accessible pages on a website.
a. True******Ans.
b. False

Question: 7
Which of the following statements about FFA pages are true?
a. They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b. They are also called link farms*****Ans.
c. They are paid listings
d. They contain numerous inbound links

Question: 8
All major search engines are case sensitive.
a. True
b. False*****Ans.

Question: 9
What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability/validity?
a. Red hat techniques
b. Silver hat techniques
c. Grey hat techniques******Ans.
d. Shady hat techniques

Question: 10
_________ is usually the best web page to get linked to while receiving a themed in-bound link from another website.
a. The sitemap
b. The contact page
c. The home page
d. The page which you would like to improve in the search engine rankings*****Ans.
Question: 11
Which of the following statements about Google's technical and quality guidelines is true?
a. It is advantageous if your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header
b. If using dynamic pages, it helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few**Ans.
c. Avoid using robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages, even if they don't add much value for users coming from search engines
d. Submitting new pages of your website at as soon as they are online, helps to speed up indexing

Question: 12
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the images within a webpage?
a. Images cannot be spidered by the search engines
b. Important keywords related to the image should be placed in the ALT text****Ans.
c. Images should always be kept close to the top of a webpage
d. Image maps should be used while including the images

Question: 13
Which of the following statements about search engine optimization techniques are correct:
a. Making a keyword bold does not influence the way that the search engine looks at the keyword
b. Websites with deep linking are looked at favorably by search engines
c. search engine robots follow the first link they find to any particular page and they do not follow
additional links to the same page
d. It is not a good idea to have the same anchor text for all inbound links as it could look
automated to the search engines *****(Ans. A, B & D)*****

Question: 14
What is the most likely time period required for getting a Google page rank?
a. 1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d. More than 3 months*****Ans.

Question: 15
What will happen if you type the words 'Certification -Networking' in the Google search box?
a. Google will find the web pages about Certification and also containing the word "Networking"
b. Google will find all the web pages containing the words "Certification" and "Networking"
c. Google will find all the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear
together *****Ans.
d. Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

Question: 16
How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?
a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website,
hence ensuring quicker placement
b. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps.
The Google Bot looks for the keyword or title "Site Map" on the home page of a website.
c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website*****Ans.
d. None of the above

Question: 17
Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google's search results?
a. Yes
b. No*****Ans.

Question: 18
Which of the following conditions will Google treat favorably from the 'Relevancy' perspective?
a. The website offering products and services to the visitors’ country
b. A website that provides free content for the related keywords
c. Hidden keywords on the home page matching the search term
d. Image Alt tags on the home page matching the search term*****Ans.

Question: 19
While optimizing your website it is important to generate the right type of traffic, how does the Bounce Rate information help in this regard?
a. By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then went on to
visit additional pages
b. By letting you know the percentage of users who entered the website and then left without
viewing any other page*****Ans.
c. By letting you know the percentage of users who decided to go back to the source from
where they found your website
d. By letting you know the percentage of users who left your website within 10 seconds of
viewing the first page

Question: 20
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description meta tag?
a. It should be about 50 characters in length.
b. The description should not contain the keywords.
c. If the meta description is not included, the search engines will use the meta keywords for
d. Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages.***Ans.

Question: 21
Which of the following actions could get you banned by Google?
a. Hiding text on the webpage
b. Stuffing keywords on the webpage
c. Linking to sites banned by Google
d. None of the above*****Ans.

Question: 22
10 people do a web search. In response, they see links to a variety of web pages. Three of the 10 people choose one particular link. That link then has a __________ click through rate.
a. less than 30%
b. 30 percent
c. more than 30%******Ans.

Question: 23
Which of the following activities could be looked down upon by Google as per their quality guidelines?
a. Using automated website submission software
b. Loading pages with irrelevant links*****Ans.
c. Intentionally adding keywords to the TITLE tags and ALT attributes*****Ans.
d. Registering misspellings of well-known websites

Question: 24
_________________ use both crawlers and directories to generate relevant results.
a. Crawler-based Search Engines
b. Human-Powered Directories
c. Hybrid Search Engines
d. Meta Search Engines******Ans.
Question: 25
While grading your website, Google gives credit to outbound links pointing to authority websites?
a. True
b. False*****Ans.

Question: 26
What will the following robots.txt file do?

a. It will allow Google to crawl any of the dynamically generated pages. It will also allow the altavista scooter bot to access every page
b. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages. It will also disallow the altavista scooter bot from accessing any page
c. It will disallow Google from crawling any of the dynamically generated pages. It will allow the altavista scooter bot to access every page*****Ans.
d. None of the above

Question: 27
Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?
a. If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you only
allow the indexing of the better version*****Ans.
b. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s. Examples of
inconsistent linking could be and
c. Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate
d. Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content
by Google
Question: 28
Which of the following facts about Alexa are correct?
a. Alexa provides free data on relative website visitor traffic*****Ans.
b. Alexa and Quantcast provide information on visitor household incomes
c. Alexa is biased towards US based traffic
d. Quantcast only tracks people who have installed the Quant cast toolbar

Question: 29
Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to Yahoo. What is performed by the link: operator?
a. It shows all the outbound links from the URL
b. It shows how many pages of the site Yahoo is pointing to
c. It shows all the pages that point to that URL********Ans
d. It shows URLs with broken links

Question: 30
Implementing a 301 Permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the new pages is a good idea from the SEO perspective.
a. True
b. False*****Ans.

Question: 31
Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?
a. Increasing the keyword density on the web pages
b. Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines
c. Hiding the keywords within the webpage
d. Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors*****Ans.

Question: 32
Which black hat SEO technique is characterized by a method to deceive search engines, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?
a. Coating
b. Foisting
c. Slighting
d. Cloaking*****Ans.

Question: 33
A Hallway Page is used to:
a. Attract visitors from the search engines straight onto the Hallway Page
b. Organize the Doorway Pages
c. Help people navigate to different Doorway Pages
d. Enable search engine bots to index the Doorway Pages*****Ans.

Question: 34
What is the function of "indexer" part of the Google search engine?
a. It helps to retrieve web pages from the world wide web
b. It helps to gather information from other search engines
c. It helps to sort the documents that Google has retrieved
d. It helps to generate meaningful results based upon the user's search term*****Ans.

Question: 35
Which of the following statements about the Google Sitemap are correct:
a. Repeated submission of the Sitemap to Google could be penalized*****Ans.
b. It is possible to create and submit specialized Sitemaps to Google for Video and Mobile content
c. The Sitemap acceptable to Google follows an XML format

Question: 36
Which of the following statement about RSS is correct?
a. It is a form of XML*****Ans.
b. It stands for Realtime streamlined syndication
c. It is a good way of displaying static information
d. It is a Microsoft technology

Question: 37
What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word 'actor' will also show search results for related words such as actress, acting or act?
a. Spreading
b. Dilating
c. RSD (real time synonym detection)
d. Stemming*****Ans.
e. Branching

Question: 38
The following robots meta tag directs the search engine bots:

a. Not to index the homepage and not to follow the links in the page
b. Not to index the page and not to follow the links in the page*****Ans.
c. To index the page and not to follow the links in the page
d. Not to index the page but to follow the links in the page

Question: 39
What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?
a. It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best
return on investment
b. It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword density
c. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are given priority
by the search engines*****Ans.
d. It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by the search engines
Question: 40
If you search for the term "iq test" in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will it return the number of independent searches for the term "iq"?
a. Yes
b. No****Ans.

Question : 41
Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?
a. Because they will not lead to fresh traffic
b. Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents *****Ans.
c. Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d. Because people could turn up claiming copyright infringement

Question : 42
What is keyword density?
a. The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus) the total words in HTML on the page
b. Combination of the number of times a keyword or a keyword phrase, in proportion with other words, appears on a Web page*****Ans.
c. The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d. The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e. The number of times the keyword is used / (DIVIDED BY) the total word count on the page

Question : 43
Google displays up to _____ characters if a webpage's Title Tag.
a. 56
b. 60
c. 66
d. 80******Ans.

Question : 44
Which of the following search engines offers a popular list of the top 50 most searched keywords?
a. Google
b. Yahoo
c. AOL
d. Lycos***Ans.

Question: 45
Which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended by Google?
a. Having a clear hierarchy and text links
b. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link*****Ans.
c. If the site map is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the site map into separate pages
d. Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)
e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

Question: 46
What is Anchor Text?
a. It is the main body of text on a particular web page
b. It is the text within the left or top panel of a webpage
c. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page*****Ans.
d. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page

Question : 47
Which of the following search engines or directories provides the main search results for AOL?
a. Lycos
c. Google*****Ans.
d. Yahoo
e. Windows Live
Question: 48
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to natural links?
a. They are two way links (reciprocal links) ******Ans.
b. They are from authority website
c. They are voluntary in nature
d. They are from edu or gov extension websites
Question: 49
What is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimizing a webpage towards a long tail keyword search?
a. There are more long tail searches than shorter keyword queries******Ans.
b. Search engines often pass on long tail searches to lesser known and new websites
c. Search engines do not pass on long tail search traffic to websites that rank high for shorter keyword searches
d. There are fewer websites that have targeted such keywords
Question: 50
If you enter `Help site:’ in the Google search box, what will Google search for?
a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to******Ans.
b. It will find pages about help within
c. It will only find pages title about help within
d. It will direct you to the request page for the re-indexing of

Question: 51
Which of the following search engines or directories provides the directory search results for Yahoo?
a. Windows Live
b. Yahoo Directory****Ans.
c. Google
d. Wikipedia

Question: 52
Do search engines such as Google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the Class C IP address of the page where the link to the website originates?
a. Yes*****Ans.
b. No

Question: 53
What term is commonly used to describe the shuffling of positions in search engine results in between major updates?
a. Waves
b. Flux******Ans.
c. Shuffling
d. Swaying

Question: 54
What does the 301 server response code signify?
a. Not Modified
b. Moved Permanently******Ans.
c. syntax error in the request
d. Payment is required
e. The request must be authorized before it can take place

Question: 55
Which of the following free tools/websites could help you identify which city in the world has the largest search for the keyword – “six sigma”?
a. Yahoo Search Term Suggestion Tool
b. Alexa
c. Google Traffic Estimator
d. Google Trends******Ans.
e. WordTracker

Question: 56
Which of the following can be termed as appropriate Keyword Density?
a. 0.01-0.1%
b. 0.1-1%
c. 3-4%.*******Ans.
d. 7-10%
f. None of above

Question: 57
Which of the following are examples of agents?
a. Internet Explorer
b. Search engine spiders *******(Ans. A, B & C)******
c. Opera
d. SQL Server database attached to a website

Question: 58
Google gives priority to themed in-bound links.
a. True*****Ans.
b. False

Question: 59
Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google Page Rank?
a. The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site
b. The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site.
c. The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site
d. The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a web site

Question: 60
Which of the following options is correct regarding the Keyword Effectiveness Index (KEI) of a particular keyword?
a. It is directly proportional to the popularity of the keyword******Ans.
b. It is inversely proportional to the competition for the keyword
c. It is directly proportional to the chances of the keyword ranking on the first page of the Google
Search results

Question: 61
Which of the following methods can help you get around the Google Sandbox?
a. Buying an old Website and getting it ranked
b. Buying a Google Ad words PPC campaign
c. Placing the website on a sub domain of a ranked website and then 301 re-directing the site after it
has been indexed*****Ans.
d. Getting a DMOZ listing

Question: 62
Which of the following are examples of agents?
a. Internet Explorer
b. Search engine spiders*****Ans.
c. Opera
d. SQL Server database attached to a website

Question: 63
Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links, what action/s does Google recommend to avoid being penalized?
a. The text of the paid links should state the words "paid text link" for Google to identify it as a
paid link
b. Only Paid text links to non-profit websites should be accepted
c. Paid links should be disclosed through the "rel=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink*****Ans.
d. Paid links should be disclosed through the "index=nofollow" attribute in the hyperlink

Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement strategies?

a* Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & D
b.Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c.Copying competitor keywords
d.Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page

Ans: D


Which blackhat Seo techniques is characterized by a method to decieve search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?


Ans: D

Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?

a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic
b.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)
c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting
d.because people could turn up claiming copyright infirigement

Ans: B

 What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the google search box?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word "networking"
b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"
c.*Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together. (ans)
d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking

Ans: C

Which of the following factors does google take into account while accessing whether or not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated
b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.*The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)
d. None of the above

ans: C

What is keyword density?

a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus) the total words in HTML on the page
b.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e*The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page. (ans)

Ans: E

Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b.They are also called Link Farms
c.They are Paid Listings
d*They contain numerous inbound links

Ans: B

What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?

a.Traffic jacking
b.Visitors Jacking
c.View Jacking
d* Page Jacking

Ans: D

What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?

a.1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d.* More than 3 months

ans: D


Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is perfermed by the link:Operator?
a. it shows all the outbound links from the url
b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c. It shows all the pages that point to that url
d. It show url's with broken links

Ans: C


1.Which of the following can be termed as a good keyword selection and placement strategies?

a. Targeting synonyms of the main keyword (ans) A & D
b. Targeting the highest searched keywords only
c. Copying competitor keywords
d. Optimizing 5 or more keywords per page



  2.Which black hat SEO techniques is characterized by a method to deceive search engine, by detecting the search engine bot and "feeding" it with a different HTML code than the HTML actually served to users?




3.Why is it bad idea from SEO perspective to host free articles and write ups that are very common on the internet?

  a.Because they will not lead to fresh traffic
b.Because you could be penalize by search engine for using duplicate contents (ans)

c.Because you will not get the benefits of proper keyword targeting

d.because people could turn up claiming copyright infringement



 4.What will happen if you type the word 'Certification-Networking' in the Google search box?

a.Google will find the web pages about "certification" and also containing the word "networking"

b.Google will find ALL the web pages containing the word word "Certification" and "Networking"
c.Google will find ALL the web pages in which the words "Certification" and "Networking" appear together. (ans)

d.Google will find the web pages about Certification that do not contain the word Networking



 5.Which of the following factors does Google take into account while accessing whether or not a website is an authority website?

a. The frequency with which the contents of the website is updated

b. the number of web pages containing relevant information on the main theme of the website
c.The number of in-bound natural links related to the website's theme (or keywords)

d. None of the above 



6.What is keyword density?

 a.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on page - (minus) the total words in HTML on the page
b.The number of times the keyword is used x (multiply by) the total word count on page.
c.The number of times the keyword is used in the page description
d.The number of times the keyword is used in the page title
e.The number of times the keyword is used / (divided by) the total word count on the page. (ans)



7.Which of the following statement about FFA pages are true?

  a.They are greatly beneficial to SEO
b.They are also called Link Farms
c.They are Paid Listings
d.They contain numerous inbound links



8.What is the illegal act of copying of a page by unauthorized parties in order to filter off traffic to another site called?   

a.Traffic jacking 
b.Visitors Jacking
c.View Jacking
d.Page Jacking



9.What is the most likely time period required for getting a google page ranking?  

a. 1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d. More than 3 months  



10.Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is performed by the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the URL
b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c. It shows all the pages that point to that URL
d. It show URL's with broken links


 11.What is the function of "indexer" part of the Google search engine?

a.It helps to retrieve web pages from the world wide web
b.It helps to gather information from other search engines
c.It helps to sort the documents that Google has retrieved
d.It helps to generate meaningful results based upon the user's search term

12.Google displays up to _____ characters of a webpage's Title Tag. How many title tag Google displays up to web page’s


13.which search engine technology prevents a website from appearing in numerous top  positions in the search engine result pages


14.If a website's search engine saturation with respect to a particular search engine is 20%, what does it mean?

a.20% of the webpages of the website have been indexed by the search engine
b.Only 20% of the pages of the website will be indexed by the search engine
c.20% of the websites pages will never be indexed
d.The website ranks in the first 20% of all websites indexed by the search engine for its most important search terms  



15.Which of the following statements about Google's technical and quality guidelines is true?

a.It is advantageous if your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header

b.If using dynamic pages, it helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few

c.Avoid using robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages, even if they don't add much value for users coming from search engines

e.Submitting new pages of your website at as soon as they are online, helps to speed up indexing 


16.Implementing a 301 permanent Redirects on the old pages to redirect to the new pages is a good idea from the SEO perspective ?



17.What is the name of the search engine technology due to which a query for the word 'actor' will also show search results for related words such as actress, acting or act?

c.RSD (real time synonym detection)

18.Are RSS/Atom feeds returned in Google's search results?


19.All major search engines are case sensitive.

a. True
b. False 


20.Cloaking is a controversial SEO technique. What does it involve?

a.Increasing the keyword density on the web pages
b.Offering a different set of web pages to the search engines   
c.Hiding the keywords within the webpage
d.Creating multiple pages and hiding them from the website visitors


21.Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the description meta tag? 

a.It should be about 50 characters in length
b.The description should not contain the keywords
c.If the meta description is not included, the search engines will use the meta keywords for information
d.Google uses the meta description to generate the search engine results pages  



22.Which of the following statements about search engine optimization techniques are correct:

a.Making a keyword bold does not influence the way that the search engine looks at the keyword
b.Websites with deep linking are looked at favorably by search engines engine robots follow the first link they find to any particular page and they do not follow additional links to the same page

d.It is not a good idea to have the same anchor text for all inbound links as it could look automated to the


23.Which of the following factors have an impact on the Google Page Rank?

 a.The total number of inbound links to a page of a web site 
b.The subject matter of the site providing the inbound link to a page of a web site
c.The text used to describe the inbound link to a page of a web site
d.The number of outbound links on the page that contains the inbound link to a page of a web site

24.Which of the following is an ethical SEO Technique ?

Ans:Non of the above.

25.What is Anchor Text?

a. It is the main body of text on a particular web page
b. It is the text within the left or top panel of a web page
c. It is the visible text that is hyper linked to another page
d. It is the most prominent text on the page that the search engines use to assign a title to the page

26.Google looks down upon paid links for enhancing page rank. If a website sells links, what action/s does Google recommend to avoid being penalized?

a. The text of the paid links should state the words “paid text link” for Google to identify it as a paid link
b. Only Paid text links to non profit websites should be accepted
c. Paid links should be disclosed through the “rel=nofollow” attribute in the hyperlink
d. Paid links should be disclosed through the “index=nofollow” attribute in the hyperlink

27.If you search for the term "iq test" in the Word Tracker keyword suggestion tool, will it return the number of independent searches for the term "iq"?

a. Yes
b. No

28.If you enter ‘Help site:’ in the Google search box, what will Google search for?

a. It will open up the Google help pages applicable to
b. It will find pages about help within www.
c. It will only find page titles about help within www.
d. It will direct you to the request page for re-indexing of www.

29.Which of the following website design guidelines have been recommended by Google?

a. Having a clear hierarchy and text links
b. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link
c. If the site map is larger than 100 or so links, you should break the site map into separate pages
d. Keeping the links on a given page to a reasonable number (fewer than 100)
e. Use less than 30 images or graphics per page

30.Which of the following statements regarding website content are correct?

a. If you have two versions of a document on your website, Google recommends that you only allow the indexing of the better version
b. Linking to a page inconsistently does not affect the way Google views the page/s. Examples of inconsistent linking could be and and
c. Syndicating your content could lead to Google viewing the material as duplicate
d. Placeholders for pages which do not have content are never viewed as duplicate content by Google

31.Which of the following statements about RSS are correct?

a. It is a form of XML
b. It stands for Real time streamlined syndication
c. It is a good way of displaying static information
d. It is a Microsoft technology

32.what is the main reason for the effectiveness of optimizing a webpages towards a long  tail keyword search

Ans: There are fewer websites that have targeted such keywords.

33.How are site maps important for the search engine optimization process?

 a. Site maps help the search engine editorial staff to quickly go through a website, hence ensuring quicker placement

b. Google gives credit to the websites having site maps. The GoogleBot looks for the keyword or title “Site Map” on the home page of a website.

c. Site maps help the search engine spider pick up more pages from the website

d. None of the above

34.Which of the following actions could get you banned by Google?

a.Hiding text on the webpage b.Stuffing keywords on the webpage
c.Linking to sites banned by Google
d.None of the above 

35.Do search engines such as Google detect unnatural linking patterns by checking the Class C IP address of the page where the link to the website originates?


36.What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability/validity?

a.Red hat techniques
b.Silver hat techniques
c.Grey hat techniques
d.Shady hat techniques   

37.What does the term Keyword Prominence refer to?

a. It refers to the fact that the importance of choosing high traffic keywords leads to the best return on investment

b. It refers to the importance attached to getting the right keyword density

c. It refers to the fact that the keywords placed in important parts of a webpage are given priority by the search engines

d. It refers to the fact that the keywords in bold font are given priority by the search engines

38.Some words, when followed by a colon, have special meanings to yahoo. What is performed by the link:Operator?

a. it shows all the outbound links from the url
b. It shows how many pages of the site yahoo is pointing to
c. It shows all the pages that point to that url
d. It show url’s with broken links

39.Do search engines such as Google detect natural linking patterns by checking the  Class C IP address of the page where the link to the websites originates ?


40.What is the term for Optimization strategies that are in an unknown area of reputability/validity?
a.Red hat techniques
b.Silver hat techniques
c.Grey hat techniques 
d.Shady hat techniques   
sagar ganatra Gadgets